Eclipse Mosquitto is Open source message broker which implements MQTT, used for MQTT Message Queue . Eclipse Mosquitto is an open source implementation of a server for versions 5, 3.1.1, and 3.1 of the MQTT protocol.
When referring to this document to use Eclipse Mosquitto, please read and ensure the following points:
This application is installed by Websoft9 console.
The purpose of this application complies with the EPL-2.0 open source license agreement.
Configure the domain name or server security group opens external network ports for application access.
Getting started
Enable authentication
To enable authentication for Mosquitto using a password file, follow the steps below:
Access the Mosquitto container and create a password file using the following command (file name, username, and password can be customized)
mosquitto_passwd -H sha512 -c -b /mosquitto/config/passwd_file yourusername yourpasssord
Modify the following items in the configuration file /mosquito/config/mosquito.conf :
- password_file path: /mosquitto/passwd_file
- allow_anonymous:
Rebuild the application
GUI for Mosquitto
Reference: MQTTX
Configuration options
- Configuration file(volumed): /mosquito/config/mosquito.conf
- User authentication(√)
Docker Logs Error: Address not available?
Mosquitto 2.0 requires you to configure listeners and authentication before it will allow connections from anything other than the loopback interface.