Plausible is Easy to use and privacy-friendly Google Analytics alternative, used for Web Analytics . Plausible is intuitive, lightweight and open source web analytics. No cookies and fully compliant with GDPR, CCPA and PECR. Made and hosted in the EU, powered by European-owned cloud infrastructure 🇪🇺
When referring to this document to use Plausible, please read and ensure the following points:
This application is installed by Websoft9 console.
The purpose of this application complies with the AGPL-3.0 open source license agreement.
Configure the domain name or server security group opens external network ports for application access.
Getting started
Initial setup
When completed installation of Plausible at Websoft9 Console, get the applicaiton's Overview and Access information from My Apps
Follow the guide to complete the steps: account settings, setting the URL of the website to be statistically analyzed, etc
Configuration options
- Multi-site monitoring(✅)