RocketMQ is A distributed messaging and streaming platform, used for Message Queue . A distributed messaging and streaming platform with low latency, high performance and reliability, trillion-level capacity and flexible scalability
When referring to this document to use RocketMQ, please read and ensure the following points:
This application is installed by Websoft9 console.
The purpose of this application complies with the apache2 open source license agreement.
Configure the domain name or server security group opens external network ports for application access.
Getting started
RocketMQ verification
When completed installation of RocketMQ at Websoft9 Console, get the applicaiton's Overview and Container information from My Apps
Accesss nameserver container and run commands as following to view the cluster list.
sh-4.2$ ./mqadmin clusterList -n localhost:9876
#Cluster Name #Broker Name #BID #Addr #Version #InTPS(LOAD) #OutTPS(LOAD) #Timer(Progress) #PCWait(ms) #Hour #SPACE #ACTIVATED
DefaultCluster ff0d7f2d94c3 0 V5_2_0 0.00(0,0ms) 0.00(0,0ms) 0-0(0.0w, 0.0, 0.0) 0 477942.14 0.5400 true -
Accesss broker container and run commands as following to view Broker Status.
[rocketmq@ff0d7f2d94c3 bin]$ ./mqadmin brokerStatus -n rocketmq_rymr8-rmqnamesrv:9876 -b localhost:10911
EndTransactionQueueSize : 0
EndTransactionThreadPoolQueueCapacity: 100000
bootTimestamp : 1720575200001
brokerActive : true
brokerVersion : 453
brokerVersionDesc : V5_2_0
commitLogDirCapacity : Total : 99.8 GiB, Free : 46.9 GiB.
... -
Accesss broker container and run commands as following to produce messages.
[rocketmq@ff0d7f2d94c3 bin]$ sh org.apache.rocketmq.example.quickstart.Producer
SendResult [sendStatus=SEND_OK, msgId=AC12000A02CF7E6CBB7A2FBE0ED003DC, offsetMsgId=AC12000A00002A9F00000000000B1472, messageQueue=MessageQueue [topic=TopicTest, brokerName=ff0d7f2d94c3, queueId=1], queueOffset=751]
SendResult [sendStatus=SEND_OK, msgId=AC12000A02CF7E6CBB7A2FBE0ED003DD, offsetMsgId=AC12000A00002A9F00000000000B1564, messageQueue=MessageQueue [topic=TopicTest, brokerName=ff0d7f2d94c3, queueId=2], queueOffset=751] -
Accesss broker container and run commands as following to consume messages.
[rocketmq@ff0d7f2d94c3 bin]$ sh org.apache.rocketmq.example.quickstart.Consumer
06:26:26,005 |-INFO in - Setting level of ROOT logger to INFO
06:26:26,005 |-INFO in - Attaching appender named [DefaultAppender] to Logger[ROOT]
06:26:26,006 |-INFO in - End of configuration.
06:26:26,007 |-INFO in org.apache.rocketmq.common.logging.JoranConfiguratorExt@8e24743 - Registering current configuration as safe fallback point
Consumer Started
ConsumeMessageThread_please_rename_unique_group_name_4_16 Receive New Messages: [MessageExt [brokerName=ff0d7f2d94c3, queueId=1, storeSize=242, queueOffset=863, sysFlag=0, bornTimestamp=1720593053737, bornHost=/, storeTimestamp=1720593053737, storeHost=/, msgId=AC12000A00002A9F00000000000CBB84, commitLogOffset=834436, bodyCRC=1149360467, reconsumeTimes=0, preparedTransactionOffset=0, toString()=Message{topic='TopicTest', flag=0, properties={CONSUME_START_TIME=1720593068458, MSG_REGION=DefaultRegion, UNIQ_KEY=AC12000A03057E6CBB7A2FBF1C2901B4, CLUSTER=DefaultCluster, MIN_OFFSET=0, TAGS=TagA, WAIT=true, TRACE_ON=true, MAX_OFFSET=1004}, body=[72, 101, 108, 108, 111, 32, 82, 111, 99, 107, 101, 116, 77, 81, 32, 52, 51, 54], transactionId='null'}]]
Configuration options
- Cli (√):
- Configure file: Configure startup memory in
- Console: RocketMQ Dashboard
- SDK (√)