
第三方 SMTP

应用中配置 SMTP 邮件发送功能是非常重要的设置,它可以用于密码找回和重要操作的通知。

由于邮件系统的搭建非常复杂,其路由配置受制域名、防火墙、路由等多种因素制约,导致维护一个高可用的邮件系统非常困难。所以应用都建议集成第三方的 SMTP 服务来完成邮件通知功能。


下面是主流的邮箱提供商之 SMTP 服务设置(来源


  • SMTP host: smtp.qq.com
  • SMTP port: 465 or 587 for SSL-encrypted email
  • SMTP Authentication: must be checked
  • SMTP Encryption: must SSL
  • SMTP username: email address
  • SMTP password: 这个密码不是邮箱密码,是需要通过QQ邮箱SMTP设置去获取的授权码

The above is for quick reference only. see the QQ邮箱SMTP设置


  • SMTP host: smtp.163.com
  • SMTP port: 465 or 994 for SSL-encrypted email
  • SMTP Authentication: must be checked
  • SMTP Encryption: must SSL
  • SMTP username: email address
  • SMTP password: 这个密码不是邮箱密码,是需要通过163邮箱SMTP设置去获取的授权码



  • SMTP host: smtp.mxhichina.com
  • SMTP port: 465 for SSL-encrypted email
  • SMTP 身份认证: 必须勾选
  • SMTP 加密: 需启用SSL
  • SMTP username: email address
  • SMTP password: email password

以上仅供快速设置参考,更多详情查看官网文档: 阿里云邮箱SMTP设置


To configure your application to send email through SendGrid’s SMTP service, use the settings below. Replace USERNAME with your SendGrid account username and PASSWORD with your SendGrid account password.

  • SMTP host: smtp.sendgrid.net
  • SMTP port: 25 or 587 for unencrypted/TLS email, 465 for SSL-encrypted email
  • SMTP username: USERNAME
  • SMTP password: PASSWORD


  • Gmail SMTP server address: smtp.gmail.com
  • Gmail SMTP username: Your Gmail address (e.g. [email protected])
  • Gmail SMTP password: Your Gmail password
  • Gmail SMTP port (TLS): 587
  • Gmail SMTP port (SSL): 465
  • Gmail SMTP TLS/SSL required: yes

Remember that in addition to these email server settings, you need to let the email client receive/download mail from your Gmail account too. There's more information on that at the bottom of this page.


  • SMTP Server: smtp-mail.outlook.com
  • Username: Your full Outlook.com email address
  • Password: Your Outlook.com password
  • SMTP Port 587
  • SMTP TLS/SSL Encryption Required Yes


  • Hotmail SMTP Server: smtp.live.com
  • Hotmail SMTP Username: Your complete Windows Live Hotmail email address (e.g. [email protected] or [email protected])
  • Hotmail SMTP Password: Your Windows Live Hotmail password
  • Hotmail SMTP Port: 587
  • Hotmail SMTP TLS/SSL Required: yes

Yahoo Mail

  • Yahoo Mail SMTP server address: smtp.mail.yahoo.com
  • Yahoo Mail SMTP username: Your full Yahoo email address (including @yahoo.com)
  • Yahoo Mail SMTP password: Your Yahoo Mail password
  • Yahoo Mail SMTP port: 465 or 587
  • Yahoo Mail SMTP TLS/SSL required: yes

These settings work with most desktop, mobile, and web email programs and services. After you set up Yahoo Mail in your preferred email client, the mail and your Yahoo folders appear in both locations: in Yahoo and in your preferred app or web interface, such as Gmail.

iCloud Mail

  • Server name:** smtp.mail.me.com**
  • SSL required: Yes
  • Port: 587
  • SMTP authentication required: Yes
  • Username: Type your full iCloud email address.
  • Password: Type an app-specific iCloud Mail password.

Zoho Mail

  • Zoho Mail SMTP server address: smtp.zoho.com
  • Zoho Mail SMTP port: 465
  • Zoho Mail SMTP TLS/SSL required: Yes
  • Zoho Mail SMTP user name: Your Zoho Mail address ([email protected] or your email address if you use Zoho Mail with your own domain)
  • Zoho Mail SMTP password: Your Zoho Mail password


Directmail 是阿里云的邮件推送服务,相对于免费邮箱来说,自主性更强,同时更稳定可靠。

下面是 Directmail 的配置简要流程:

  1. 登录阿里云 Directmail 控制台,新增一个发信域名

  2. 根据 Directmail 要求,在域名控制台完成域名解析,并“验证”

  3. 验证通过后,Directmail 控制台设置发信地址(一个发信域名支持多个发信地址)

  4. 完成所有配置后,您会得到一个如下的 SMTP 服务信息

    User:[email protected]
    SSL Port:465


应用设置 SMTP 后,仍然无法发送邮件。那么,可以根据下面的建议,测试 SMTP 的可用性:

  1. 通过 SMTP Test Tool 测试是否可用

  2. 如果 SMTP 在上一步中验证成功,但仍然无法在应用中生效,则参考下面诊断途径:

    • 应用所在的服务器运行 telnet 命令 ,检查 SMTP 服务的连通性。下面是一个范例:

      telnet smtp.qq.com 465

      出现 220 smtp.*.com Esmtp Mail ServerEscape character is '^]' ,说明连接成功

    • 检查服务器安全组(出设置)是否禁止外部访问

    • 检查服务器 iptables,firewall 是否允许发起向外部 465 端口的连接

    • 检查应用程序的 OpenSSL 版本是否过低或 CA 证书与 SMTP 服务兼容性