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Version: 2.0


This is the documentation for the next generation of Websoft9, which has been released and will replace the old version.

It provides you with the best practices for self-hosting multiple applications.

InstallationInstall the Websoft9 Console on your Server
Login to Websoft9Log in to the Websoft9 console to interactively experience the hosting platform
Getting startedUse Websoft9 to quickly deploy various types of applications, including one-click template deployment and customized deployment, etc.
User guideDeploying, publishing, and managing applications using Websoft9
AdministratorOperations and maintenance guides for administrator users for user management, upgrades, backups, data, storage, and security configurations
ApplicationsWebsoft9 App Store 200+ One-Click Deployment Templates Quick Start and Configuration Guide
App RuntimeApp runtime for your Java, Python, Node.js, PHP, Go, Ruby, and .NET applications
SubscriptionPaid use of Websoft9 products for enterprise-level business support services
SupportGet any support from Websoft9 Customer Success Team
TroubleshootingTechnical problems and failures

About Websoft9

Websoft9 is a Self-Hosting platform (Lite PaaS) that can deploy multiple applications in your own cloud infrastructure.

It brings the extremely simple user experience of deploying an application with just a few clicks into a cloud provider of your choice, whether that is Azure, AWS, GCP, or AlibabaCloud.

Websoft9 comes with 200+ one-click deployment templates pre-built and supports users' customized deployment of programs such as Java, Python, Node.js, PHP, Go, Ruby and dotNET.


  • Open source and free for starter
  • Web-based interface, easy to use
  • Inner App Store have 200+ one-click deployment application templates
  • It is a tool implementing GitOps and Infrastructure as Code (IaC)principles, support continue deployment
  • Supports customized deployment of programs such as Java, Python, Node.js, PHP, Go, Ruby and dotNET
  • Hosting services from deployment to operation, monitoring, and support for high availability, scalability, backup and recovery, and security compliance.

Use cases

Refer to: Solution of Websoft9

Hosting Options

Applications is running at server and managed by the Websoft9 Console.

Websoft9 supports multiple hosting options:

Deployment architecture Options

  • Application and Websoft9 Console deployed on the same server instance
  • Application and Websoft9 Console deployed on different server instances(coming soon)
  • Single server deployed with a single application
  • Single server deployed with multiple applications
  • Single application deployed in a k8s cluster across multiple servers(coming soon)

Hosting Options

  • Choose Websoft9 as Managed Hosting provider that Websoft9 handles server maintenance, security updates, backups, monitoring, and provides 24/7 support. Users focus on applications, not infrastructure.
  • Choose Websoft9 as Self-Hosting provider that customers control deployment, configuration, and management. They handle maintenance, updates, security, and backups, offering flexibility and potential cost savings.

Deployment Templates

The Websoft9 Console supports the following application deployment templates that can be installed with one click:

.NET SDK, ActiveMQ, AITable, Akaunting, Alfresco, Ansible, Apache Airflow, Apache Answer, Apache HTTP Server, Apache Kafka, Apache ZooKeeper, APEX, Appsmith, ArangoDB, aria2, AutoGPT.NextWeb, Bitwarden, Budibase, Bytebase, Caddy, chat2DB, ChatGPT Next Web, Chatwoot, Chronograf, ClamAV, ClickHouse, CloudBeaver, Cloudreve, code-server, Collabora Online Development Edition, Couchbase, CouchDB, Dgraph, Directus, Discourse, Discuz, Docker, Docker registry, Dolibarr, Drupal, Duplicati, Eclipse Mosquitto, Elastic Kibana, Elastic Logstash, Elasticsearch, EMQX, ERPNext, EspoCRM, Excalidraw, Flowise, Focalboard, GeminiProChat, Ghost, Gitea, GitLab, Gitness, Gladys, Go, Gogs, Grafana, Graphite, Graylog Open, HAProxy, HashiCorp Vault, Home Assistant, Huginn, HumHub, Immich , InfluxDB, Jellyfin, Jenkins, Jetty, Jihu GitLab, Jitsi Meet, Joomla, JupyterHub, Kasmweb, Kaspersky, Knowage, Kodbox, Koishi, Kong Gateway (OSS), Mage, Magento, ManageIQ, MariaDB, Matomo Analytics, Mattermost, Mautic, Maven, MediaWiki, memcached, Metabase, MinIO, MongoDB, MongoDB Compass, Moodle, MQTTX, MySQL, MySQL Workbench, n8n, Navidrome, Neo4j, Netdata, Next Terminal, Nextcloud , NGINX, Nocobase, NocoDB, Node-RED, Node.js, nopCommerce, Odoo, ONLYOFFICE Docs, ONLYOFFICE Workspace, OpenJDK, OpenSearch, Oracle Database, OwnCloud, Palworld, Passbolt, Penpot, pgAdmin, PHP, phpMyAdmin, Plausible, PMM, Portainer, Portkey, PostgreSQL, PostgREST, Prestashop, Prometheus, Pydio Cells, Python, RabbitMQ, Redash, Redis, RedisInsight, Redmine, Redpanda Console, RethinkDB, Rocket.Chat, RocketMQ, Ruby, Rundeck, Scratch, screego, Seafile, Semaphore UI, Snapdrop, Sonatype Nexus Repository, SQL Server Express, SRS, SSCMS, Strapi, SuiteCRM, SuperSet, Syncthing, TeamCity, Teleport, TensorFlow, ThingsBoard, Tinyproxy, Tomcat, Tomee, Tooljet, Traefik Proxy, Trivy, Typesense, Typo3, Umami, Uptime Kuma, Vaultwarden, WordPress, XWiki, Zabbix, Zammad, Zentao


Websoft9 vs cPanel vs Plesk

Both cPanel and Plesk are server panel tools designed to simplify website hosting and server management.

The main features of Websoft9 compared to them are:

  • Application-Centric: Enterprise-grade managed services from deployment to operations and monitoring.

  • High Availability: Supports scalability, backup, recovery, and security compliance.

  • Diverse Deployment: 200+ one-click templates, supports PHP/Java/Python/Ruby/.NET/Go/Docker/HTML.

  • Automation: GitOps-driven continuous deployment and rollback, ensuring consistency and traceability.

  • Cloud-Native: Microservices and container-based, modular, replaceable, iterative, and upgradable core components.

Websoft9 vs Heroku

Heroku is a PaaS platform that abstracts away underlying infrastructure.

The main features of Websoft9 compared to them are:

  • A lite PaaS giving users control over infrastructure, balancing application hosting convenience with control and cost.
  • 100% open-source foundation, eliminating any possibility of vendor lock-in.

Websoft9 vs OpenShit vs KubeSphere

OpenShift and KubeSphere both provide comprehensive Kubernetes management, support multi-cloud environments, offer DevOps tools, and ensure enterprise-grade security and scalability.

The main features of Websoft9 compared to them are:

  • Positioned as an application deployment and maintenance platform for innovative organizations and developers.
  • Offers pre-configured software stacks and one-click deployment for quick application launches.
  • May not support full DevOps or complex cluster deployments, but is an easy-to-manage GitOps platform.