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Version: 2.0

Installation methods

You can install Websoft9 on most GNU/Linux distributions, on several cloud providers, and in private cloud.

Before installing Websoft9, you should balance performance, reliability, ease of administration (backups, upgrades, and troubleshooting) with the cost of hosting.

If you don't plan to select Self-Hosting for Websoft9, you can use Websoft9 at public cloud platform for a buy-it-now, image product with access to business support services.

System requirements

Review the System Requirements before installation

Choose a install method

MethodDescriptionWhen to choose
Installation for LinuxAutomatic install scriptsThis method need user have Linux capabilities
Installation for Windows/macOSInstallation on a Windows/macOS virtual Linux virtual machineThis method need user have Linux and Windows/macOS capabilities
Installation of cloud providers Enterprise subscription by cloud provider, it mean buy as installationNeed full-managed and business support
Customized installationContact Websoft9 to deploy a customized installationIf product not fully meet the requirements and you want to some personalized deployment services

Post-Installation steps

The Post-Installation step checks the availability of the installation and configures the global domain name.