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Version: 2.0

User credentials

The Websoft9 Console shares the same accounts as the Linux system and uses the PAM (Pluggable Authentication Module) for authentication. So whether you are a root user or a non-root user, you can log in to Websoft9 as long as you provide the password for logging in to Linux.

Please select one of the user account methods below:

Use the existing root account

The root user is already the Websoft9 account with the highest privileges:

  • If root account can login Linux by password, it can login Websoft9 Console directly
  • If root account login Linux by key pair, it need to connect Linux and run command sudo passwd root to set password

Use the existing non-root account

For non-root account, you will need to follow the steps below to set up before login to Websoft9 Console

  • If non-root account use key pair, it need to connect Linux and run command sudo passwd root to set password

  • Set user group for your non-root account, it need one of Docker | sudo | root

    # Setting Docker permissions (recommended)
    usermod -aG docker yourusername

    # Setting sudo privileges
    usermod -aG sudo yourusername

    # Setting Administrator Privileges
    usermod -aG wheel yourusername

Add new account

Add user at Websoft9 Console

  1. Login to Websoft9 Console as root user

  2. Open the left menu tool > Accounts at Websoft9 Console

  3. Click Create new account button to create username and password

  4. Set group to docker or root for this new account by edit user add docker group for user

Add user by commands

  1. Use root user to connect server by SSH

  2. Add user by below commands

    sudo useradd -m -G docker -s /bin/bash <youruser> && echo "<youruser>:<yourpassword>" | sudo chpasswd