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Version: 2.0

Set domain for application

User can set domain for applications at Websoft9 Gateway or access managment page of My Apps, it includes:

  • Configure global domain
  • Binding domain for application
  • Change domain binding for application
  • Delete domain binding


Configure global domain

Websoft9 supports Wildcard Domain, automatically generates independent subdomains for each application.

This method of configuring a domain name is defined as a global domain name which only needs to do domain name resolution and binding once, and can be used by all applications, the specific steps:

  1. Add wildcard domain resolution at your DNS console, below is sample

    • Domain Name:
    • Record type: A
    • Record: *.inner
    • Record value: Internet IP of server
  2. When completed the wildcard domain resolution, you can testing subdomains suffixed with

  3. Login to Websoft9 Console, click Settings on the left memu, add to global domain name item.
    Websoft9 控制台

  4. Install any application from Websoft9 App Store, there have automaticlly create subdomain

  5. When completed the installation of application, you can access subdomain for this application.

Configure single domain

If not set global domain, user need to resolve and bind domain for every application, this method of configuring a domain name is defined as a single domain for application.

For configuring a domain name to application, you just need a A record.

User can configure single domain at one of two points:

  • When installing the application (Recommendation)
  • After installing the application: This method is mean replace application URL, sometime need extra configurations

When installing the application

  1. Login to Websoft9 Console and open the App Store

  2. Go to Install interface and click +ADD DOMAIN button to add your domain like

  3. The domain can be automatically bindding to the application when completed installation

After installing the application

  1. Login to Websoft9 Console and open the Access tab of application management interface from My Apps

  2. Click Add Domain button, add one or more domain (Enter key to confirm each domain name)

  3. Save and redeploy application, then take effect

Edit/Delete domain binding

You can edit or delete any domain binding for your application, it have two methods:

From Websoft9 My Apps

Edit domain binding from Websoft9 My Apps is convenient for user

  1. Login to Websoft9 Console and open the Access tab of application management interface from My Apps

  2. Add/Delete one or more domain (Enter key to confirm each domain name)

  3. Save and redeploy application, then take effect

Every domain binding operation from Websoft9 My Apps will synchronize to Websoft9 Gateway.

From Websoft9 Gateway

Edit domain binding from Websoft9 Gateway requires administrator

  1. Login to Websoft9 Console, open the Hosts > Proxy Hosts of Gateway

  2. Edit your tagert domain binding

  3. Save it and take effect

Every domain binding operation from Websoft9 Gateway will not synchronize to Websoft9 My Apps, so should know this.


Global domain exist with single domain?


Can I disable global domain?

Yes, you can disable it at install application interface