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Manage application lifecycle

Websoft9 simplify the main operations of the application: start, stop, restart, redeploy, uninstall, and so on.

Stop application

Start application only stop all running containers

Start application

Start application only start all stopped containers

Restart application

Restart application will restart all containers

Uninstall application

The Uninstall Application operation contains several items that will be uninstalled:

  • Git repository
  • Containers
  • Docker volumes
  • Gateway configs

Redeploy application

Redeploy application is a critical Websoft9 operation designed to Update your deployment for your customized configs or continuous deployment while retain data.

The main steps for redeploy application includes:

  1. Stop application and retain repository and docker volumes
  2. Delete containers
  3. Pull new docker image (optional)
  4. Run the application from retain data

The redeploy application scenarios include the following:

  • Upgrade application to new version
  • Customize application configurations and make it effective
  • Clear running logs of container
  • Fix bugs
  • Changes in dependent external services

Upgrade application

You can change the version related environment by Redeploy application for upgrading application, the operation will pull your target docker image for redeployment.

Container status in the application

The status of the containers in the application can reflect the state of the application.

Running status

A running application must at least have one running container, but a running container doesn't always mean the service in container is running; check logs or use healthcheck to accurately determine service status.

Exit status

When a container has an exit status, it does not indicate an application exception.

This is means that application allows some container for one-time task, such as importing data, changing configs, and so on.

Restarting status

The reason for the restart status must be differentiated:

  • If application is deployed for the first time or in startup, this restarting status is reasonable
  • If application is running after startup, this restarting status is abnormal