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Replace App database

Websoft9 allows users to migrate the default application database to an external one, ensuring flexibility.

Follow these steps to connect your application to the specified external database.


Switching databases is a meticulous process, requiring thorough preparation:

  • Ensure target database type/version is supported
  • Ensure target database supports necessary configurations
  • Ensure network connectivity between app and target database
  • Backup existing application data
  • Verify backup data can be imported into target database
  • Obtain available database host, port, and credentials

Migrate and replace database

The following is a general steps for replacing a database:

  1. Login to Websoft9 Console, update the application deployment

  2. Modify the database connection strings at .env or docker-compose.yml file

  3. It takes effect after redeploy

Post-change steps

For production application, you should full test the application after import the database.