Installation Requirements
This chapter includes information about both the supported operating systems and the minimum requirements needed to install and use Websoft9.
Operating Systems
Supported Linux distributions: Red Hat, CentOS, Debian, Ubuntu
Operating systems such as Windows and macOS are not currently supported
Hardware requirements
- CPU architecture: Linux x86-64, ARM 32/64, x86/i686
- CPU core: 2 cores is the recommended
Memory requirements are dependent on the number of users and expected workload. Your exact needs may be more, depending on your workload. Your workload is influenced by factors such as - but not limited to - how active your users are, how much automation you use, mirroring, and repository/change size.
- 2GB RAM is the required
- 8GB RAM is the recommended if you want to install 10+ application in one Server
The Websoft9 package requires about 1.5 GB of storage space for installation.
We suggest you prepare 40G for applications
Software requirements
Websoft9 later requires:
- git
- Python 3.8 or higher
- Docker 19.10 or higher
- Docker-Compose 1.29 or higher
- Nginx and Ansible for selection