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Integrate multiple applications

In cloud-native architecture, isolated apps limit data sharing and collaboration. Websoft9 applications hosting platform uses unified standards for deployment and integration.

Plan integration use cases

Architects need to clearly define integration goals and determine the type of integration required.

Below is the most use cases for integration:

  • Process Integration: Integrating from the perspective of application workflow changes. For example, an action in Application A triggers a specific operation in Application B to collaboratively complete a task.
  • Data Integration: Ensuring data consistency and availability through synchronization between applications.
  • UI Integration: Merging interfaces from multiple applications into a unified interface to enhance user experience.
  • Dependency Integration: Dependencies between applications, such as a website analytics tool relying on a CMS.

Once the kown what integration need, the next step is to create usable connections between applications.

Connection network for application

The network method of connection needs to be clarified as soon as possible:

  • Private network connection: Connection through a local network to ensure security and efficiency.
  • Public network connection: Public access via the Internet for application that require extensive access.

Private network

The containers for all applications share the same network websoft9 with container_name as the DNS.

  • Container connect container as container_name.
    Get container_name from Websoft9 Console > My Apps > Your application > Containers

  • Container connect host machine as virtual bridge docker0 (Typically address is:
    Get docker0 address from Websoft9 Console > Containers > Network > bridge

Public network

Websoft9 offers tools to manage Internet access for web applications needing connectivity.

For more information, see the related chapter:

Integrate application by iPaaS

In today's enterprise environments, where the number of applications continues to grow, it is clear that manually integrating these applications is bound to be time-consuming, labor-intensive, and error-prone.

Automation have clear advantages and have evolved into standardized integration platforms as a service (iPaaS).

Typical tools include