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Version: 2.0


Various parameters such as server, network, port and path involved in Websoft9 are listed below:


Websoft9 Console

  • Websoft9 installation configuration directory: /data/websoft9/source
  • Websoft9 Docker Compose directory: /data/websoft9/source/docker
  • Websoft9 Systemd configuration directory: */opt/websoft9
  • Websoft9 plugin directory: */usr/share/cockpit
  • Websoft9 backup directory: */data/websoft9/vl_backup
  • Websoft9 application persistent storage directory: /var/lib/docker/volumes

Docker on the server

  • Docker Volumes: /var/lib/docker/volumes
  • Docker image directory: /var/lib/docker/image
  • Docker program directory: /var/lib/docker
  • Docker Server configuration file: /etc/docker/daemon.json
  • Docker system service: /lib/systemd/system/docker.service


Users can view the ports used on the server with `netstat -tunlp'.

The following are the most commonly used ports, please go to the Security Group to enable or disable it.

Application access ports

Port numberPurposeNecessity
9000Websoft9 Consolerequired
80Websoft9 Console, Websoft9 Gateway, Apply HTTP Accessrequired
443Websoft9 Gateway, Application HTTPS Accessrequired
9001-9999Application Extranet Accessoptional

Server management ports

Port numberPurposeNecessity
21Linux server FTP portoptional
22Linux server SSH portoptional
2375 or 2376 (TLS)Docker daemon listening APIoptional


By default, a network named websoft9 is created and all applications run on this network


You need to know Systemd and Docker services for administrator.


Three Systemd services: websoft9, docker, cockpit

sudo systemctl start | top | restart | status docker
sudo systemctl start | top | restart | status cockpit
sudo systemctl start | top | restart | status websoft9


The Containers function module of the Websoft9 Console hides the Websoft9 containers, so you need to query them with the command docker ps | grep websoft9-.

$ docker ps | grep websoft9-
8039d81eb0a1 websoft9dev/apphub:0.0.6 "/websoft9/script/en…" 32 hours ago Up 32 hours 8080-8081/tcp websoft9-apphub
cc55650540e6 websoft9dev/deployment:2.19.0 "/init_portainer" 32 hours ago Up 32 hours (healthy) 8000/tcp, 9000/tcp, 9443/tcp websoft9-deployment
527a07615809 websoft9dev/git:1.20.4 "/usr/bin/entrypoint…" 32 hours ago Up 32 hours 22/tcp, 3000/tcp websoft9-git
bbea45d00358 websoft9dev/proxy:2.10.4 "/init /bin/sh -c '/…" 32 hours ago Up 32 hours>80/tcp, :::80->80/tcp,>443/tcp, :::443->443/tcp, 81/tcp websoft9-proxy