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Alibaba Cloud

This chapter provides a quick guide for using Websoft9 on Alibaba Cloud.

Quick References

Create ECS

You can create Alibaba Cloud ECS by below methods:

  • Alibaba Cloud EC2 console
  • Alibaba Cloud CLI/API
  • Alibaba Cloud Terraform

All the methods is based on Alibaba Cloud for ECS.

Security Group

Alibaba Cloud Console can set security group by: ECS Dashboard > Network and Security > Security Group

Alibaba Cloud CLI

Alibaba Cloud CLI commands that may be used when hosting applications with Websoft9.

  • Get image details

    aliyun ecs DescribeImages --Architecture x86_64 --ImageOwnerAlias system --PageSize 100 --output cols=OSName,ImageId,CreationTime rows=Images.Image[]

Configure Options

  • Online SSH connection(√): Workbench or VNC at ECS console

  • ECS backup(√): Create Snapshot or image for ECS

  • ECS resize(√): ECS Console > Resize

  • ECS redeploy(√):

  • ECS replace image(√):

  • ECS reset password(√):

    • Reset by ECS console
    • Reset by command:echo "yourpassword" | passwd --stdin root
  • Spot instance(√)

  • Resize system disk or data disy online(√)
