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This chapter provides a quick guide for using Websoft9 on Azure.

Quick References

Create VM

You can create Azure VM by below methods

  • Create VM by image
  • Create VM by VHD

DNS for VM

Azure DNS alias records are qualifications on a DNS record set. They can reference Azure VM from within your DNS zone.

If you create VM, Azure created a DNS for it.

Security Group

Azure Portal can set security group by: VM console > Network > Network Settings.

And it support Application Security Groups (ASG) security policy.

Azure CLI

Azure CLI commands that may be used when hosting applications with Websoft9.

  • Get Websoft9 image information

    az vm image list --location westus -p vmlabinc1613642184700 --output table
  • Create VM from Websoft9 image

    # docs:
    az vm create -n akeneo-test -g networkwatcherrg --attach-os-disk akeneo-test_OsDisk_1_8a98e493bc144ffd8d68a62b8da35532 --os-type linux --location centralus --plan-publisher Bitnami --plan-name '1-4' --plan-product Akeneo --image Bitnami:akeneo:1-4:3.2.1910031550

Configure Options

  • Azure Console connect VM (√): VM console > Connect

  • VM Backup (√): Azure Backup

  • Change the size of VM (√): VM console > Availability + Scaling > Size

  • Redeploy VM (√): VM console > Support > Redeploy

  • Default credential of VM: Create username and password or key pair by user

  • Spot Virtual Machines (√)

  • Replace VM image (×)

  • VM username and password requirements
