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For PHP Apps

Websoft9 integrated PHP official docker image to Websoft9 Console for PHP application deployment and pulish.

The features below:

  • 100% Web-based GUI
  • Persistent storage for Apps data and configuration files
  • Three deployment templates: PHP + Apache(mod-php)PHP-FPM + NGINXPHP-FPM + Apache for user selections
  • Dockerfile editor and build
  • Built-in for deployment automation and individualized deployment Process
  • Declarative installation of php modules and apt packages
  • phar supported
  • Cache extentsions: OPcache, XCache, APCU, eAccelerator
  • PHP framework supported: Symfony, Laravel, CodeIgniter, Yii and so on
  • PHP application supported: WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, Moodle and so on
  • Multiple versions of PHP supported
  • Selectable Databases

PHP Configs

Configs path

The main paths and configuration files for the PHP program environment are listed below:

ItemPath in containerMount path of host machine
App root path/var/www/htmlDocker volume named source
Automation script for personalized deployment/usr/local/bin/cmd.shApp Git repository path src/
PHP configuration file/usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/php_extra.iniApp Git repository path src/php_extra.ini
Extended declarative profileIt for Dockerfile buildApp Git repository path src/extensions.ini
Apache vhost file/etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.confApp Git repository path src/000-default.conf
NGINX vhost file/etc/nginx/sites-available/defaultApp Git repository path src/nginx.conf
NGINX extra configs directory/etc/nginx/conf.dDocker volume named nginx_conf
PHP-FPM config file/usr/local/etc/php-fpm.d/fpm_extra.confApp Git repository path src/fpm_extra.conf
  • For Git repository configs, you can set it by below methods:

    • For permanent settings: My Apps > Application Management > Compose of your PHP
    • For temp settings: Modify it by vim at PHP container by docker exec
  • For Docker volume configs, you can modify the files directly and restart the PHP container to take effect

Configs reference

  • user:group: www-data:www-data
  • PHP major version changed(√): You should reinstall PHP modules after change PHP major version, then migrate your applications
  • Multiple Apps: Not recommended, suggest one application at one PHP container
  • PHP server: php-fpm or mod-php for your selections
  • Commands
    • php: php cli, e.g php -m to list all installed modules
    • composer: PHP packages management tools
    • install-php-extensions: Top recommended PHP extension install command, it supported100+ PHP extensions
    • docker-php-ext-install, pecl: Other PHP packages management tool

Deploy a PHP application

Refer to: App Runtime tutorials

Manage runtime

Persistent your data

Since the Websoft9 PHP Runtime is based on a Docker container, you need to know the data persistence:

  • All configurations are stored declaratively in the PHP application's corresponding Git repository, and although they are persistent, you need to rebuild the application for the changes to take effect in the container.

  • When automating deployment by modifying the script, you will need to write segments that migrate data when the application is rebuilt.

Install PHP extensions

Websoft9 provides declarative installation of PHP extensions and operating system packages, simplifying installation of packages:

  1. Login to Websoft9 Console, open the My Apps > Application Management > Compose of your PHP

  2. Modify the file src/extensions.ini and add your PHP extension names to it

    • install-php-extensions: Top recommended PHP extension command, and you can get the package names first and then add it to extensions.ini file

    • docker-php-ext-install and pecl php extension command, please read the usage of php official image docs

  3. Generate a new image after rebuilding the application and start the container based on the new image

  4. You can check new modules by php -m in your container

You can run command install-php-extensions mysqli jd at your container directly, but it not a persistent method

Command samples

# Install the latest version
install-php-extensions mysqli jd
install-php-extensions @composer

# Install the latest 1.x version
install-php-extensions @composer-1

# Install a specific version
install-php-extensions @composer-2.0.2

# pecl install extensions
pecl install redis-5.3.7; docker-php-ext-enable redis


apt update error in PHP7.0?

The apt repository url is unreachable, you should reset it by below commands:

sed -i s/ /etc/apt/sources.list
sed -i 's|||g' /etc/apt/sources.list
sed -i '/stretch-updates/d' /etc/apt/sources.list

Permission problem of root directory?

Run command chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html in your PHP container

How to modify Apache configurations?

You can modify DocumentRoot item at container. But it must the sub directory of /var/www/html, e.g /var/www/html/laravel/public

Does this runtime support php configuration in .htaccess?
