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For users of the HUAWEICLOUD, Websoft9 has a pre-configured offering in the HUAWEICLOUD Cloud Marketplace. This tutorial describes installing Websoft9 Enterprise Edition in a single Virtual Machine (ECS).


You need an account on HUAWEICLOUD. Use of the following methods to obtain an account:

  • If you or your company already have an account with a subscription, use that account.
  • If not, you can open your own HUAWEICLOUD account for free that gives you 100+ product trials.

Deploy Websoft9

HUAWEICLOUD supports various ways to deploy Websoft9, essentially via ECS image creation.

Before deployment, you should understand ECS requirements first.

From HUAWEICLOUD Marketplace

  1. Open the product Websoft9 applications hosting platform at HUAWEICLOUD Marketplace

  2. Click Continue to Submit to start deploy Websoft9

  3. Complete ECS creation and Websoft9 image subscription as instructed.


  1. Login to HUAWEICLOUD Console and enter to ECS console page

  2. Select one of action to deploy Websoft9

    • Create new ECS
    • Manage Image/Disk >Change OS for already existing ECS
  3. Start to deploying, at the Image Type configuration, select the Marketplace image

  4. Input the key "websoft9 hosting" to search image of Websoft9

  5. Complete ECS creation and Websoft9 image subscription as instructed.

From RFS templates

  1. Prepare RFS template for Websoft9 deployment

  2. Run this template

    • Login to HUAWEICLOUD Console, load that RFS template and run it
    • Use HUAWEICLOUD CLI/API to load that RFS template and run it

After deployment

The deployment process will take a few minutes to complete. Once finished, you can:

  1. View the details of the new ECS through the HUAWEICLOUD Console
  2. Login to Websoft9 Console and refer to Post-Installation Setup for next steps


How to get Websoft9 image ID?

Image ID must be retrieved via API on Huawei Cloud.

  1. Login to HUAWEICLOUD and open API Explorer to query imageID

    • name: websoft9-basic-Ubuntu22.04 or websoft9-standard-Ubuntu22.04
    • __imagetype: market
    • Region: target region
  2. The JSON query result's ID is the image ID.