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Migrate to Websoft9

Websoft9 applications hosting platform that can host websites, business software, databases and other types of applications.

Therefore, migrating distributed applications to Websoft9 for unified management is a common requirement.

This chapter describes how to migrate applications to Websoft9.


Prepare the following before migrating your application to Websoft9:

  1. Install Websoft9 Console to your target server

  2. Backup all HTTP server configurations for your source server

  3. Install the migration tools in the Websoft9 Console as follows

  4. Binding domain to target server

Migration Samples

Migrating WordPress

  1. Export your database to SQL file for your source WordPress

  2. Compress the source WordPress wp-content folder to zip file

  3. Install WordPress at your target server by Websoft9 Console and make sure it can be access

  4. Recover source WordPress to target server

    • Import SQL file by phpMyAdmin for new WordPress
    • Delete wp-content folder of new Wordpress, then unzip wp-content zip file to the same path
    • Run command chown -R user:gourp /var/www/html/wp-content in WordPress container
  5. Change domain URL at WordPress

  6. Testing new WordPress

Migrating Databases

Tools must be used to migrate databases, and there are three types of tools for database migration:

  • Database Original Vendor Tools, e.g mysqldump
  • Tools at Websoft9 App Store, e.g phpMyAdmin
  • Other online SaaS/PaaS tools

Post migration

There are some important tasks after the migration:

  • Domain name re-resolution and binding
  • Fix file or folder permission
  • Verify application's account availability
  • Fix root URL of application
  • Delete source application