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Version: 1.0

Deploy Node app

Deploy Your Node.js application

Deploying a website (application) on the Node.js environment is to add a virtual host.

From a global perspective, only three steps are needed: Upload website code + Run NPM command + Virtual machine host configuration file** Add server in configuration section**

server is also called virtual host configuration section, each website must correspond to a unique server in default.conf.

Delete sample program

This deployment scheme has already installed and started the Express framework by default, let's delete it first:

  1. Run npm list to query running Node.js programs
    │ id │ name │ mode │ ↺ │ status │ cpu │ memory │
    │ 0 │ www │ fork │ 0 │ online │ 0.1% │ 48.7mb │
  2. Delete the process of pm2 sample program
    pm2 delete 0
  3. Save the modification
    pm2 save
  4. Delete the folder of program
    rm -rf /data/wwwroot/
  5. delete the PM2 init script
    //delete the PM2 init script
    pm2 unstartup systemd

    //delete the have been saved PM2 file of process
    rm -rf /root/.pm2

Install Express

  1. Create a directory
    mkdir myapp
    cd myapp
  2. Install Express Application Framework ··· npx express-generator ···
  3. Install dependencies
    npm install
  4. Start the application and access the application via: http://server public IP:3000
    DEBUG=myapp:* npm start

You can also use pm2 to manage applications

Maintain Node.js Environment

Refer to:《Node.js Guide》 and 《Node.js Advanced