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Version: 1.0

code-server Maintenance

This chapter is special guide for code-server maintenance and settings. And you can refer to Administrator and Steps after installing for some general settings that including: Configure Domain, HTTPS Setting, Migration, Web Server configuration, Docker Setting, Database connection, Backup & Restore...

Maintenance guide


In addition to the code-server issues listed below, you can refer to Troubleshoot + FAQ to get more.

Insufficient file permissions for files created by code-server?

You can run below command to solve file permission issue

chown -R docker.docker /data/wwwroot/codeserver/volumes/config/workspace


code-server 容器默认预装哪些组件?

code-server 容器默认已经运行 Node, Yarn, Git等工具,可以很方便的配合 code-server 进行 Node 相关程序的开发。

code-server is powered by Microsoft?

No, is powered by CODER

Does code-server support multiple accounts?

No, but you can deploy multiple code-server for different user, refer to: 解决方案

Can I install extension for code-server?


如何退出 code-server 界面?

打开控制台左上角菜单,点击【Log out】即可退出

Can I reset password of code-server by command?

No, you should reset password by re-create code-server container