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Version: 1.0

Mattermost Maintenance

This chapter is special guide for Mattermost maintenance and settings. And you can refer to Administrator and Steps after installing for some general settings that including: Configure Domain, HTTPS Setting, Migration, Web Server configuration, Docker Setting, Database connection, Backup & Restore...

Maintenance guide


In addition to the Mattermost issues listed below, you can refer to Troubleshoot + FAQ to get more.


Mattermost VS Slack?

Refer to Mattermost vs Slack

Mattermost Server, Mattermost Team Edition, Matttermost Enterprise Edition?

Mattermost Server 是它的产品的服务器端(后端)
Mattermost Team Edition 是它的开源版本
Matttermost Enterprise Edition 是它的企业版本

目前官方提供了一致性的软件包下载,安装后默认就是 Enterprise Edition 的程序,但用户界面只有开源版的功能,如果需要企业版的功能,需要通过导入企业版秘钥实现升级。

Mattermost Mobile & Desktop Apps

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Mattermost support multi-language?

Yes, log in the Mattermost console, set from SITE CONFIGURATION > Localization ,refer to