

RethinkDB 是一个曾经与 MongoDB 齐名的开源文档(JASON)数据库,目前完全由开源社区驱动。它支持多种数据类型,提供可视化的控制台,很方便部署和构建集群。


部署 Websoft9 提供的 RethinkDB 之后,需完成如下的准备工作:

  1. 在云控制台获取您的 服务器公网IP地址
  2. 在云控制台安全组中,确保 Inbound(入)规则 下的 TCP:28015,9090 端口已经开启
  3. 在服务器中查看 RethinkDB 的 默认账号和密码
  4. 若想用域名访问 RethinkDB,务必先完成 域名五步设置 过程

RethinkDB 初始化安装向导


  1. 使用本地电脑的浏览器访问网址:http://域名:9090 或 http://服务器公网IP:9090,准备登陆 RethinkDB 控制台

  2. 输入用户名和密码,成功登录到 RethinkDB 后台


若碰到问题,请第一时刻联系 技术支持。也可以先参考下面列出的问题定位或 FAQ 尝试快速解决问题。

RethinkDB 使用入门

下面以 演示如何增加 Database 和 Table 作为一个任务,帮助用户快速入门:

  1. 依次打开:【Tables】>【Add Database】,增加一个数据库

  2. 打开数据库,点击【Add Table】增加表

需要了解更多 RethinkDB 的使用,请参考官方文档:RethinkDB Documentation

RethinkDB 常用操作


RethinkDB 控制台默认没有提供登录认证,本部署方案采用了 Nginx auth_bacic 作为登录认证方案


RethinkDB 远程访问的开关存储在:/etc/rethinkdb/instances.d/instance.conf 文件中(容器内部)。


sudo sed -n "s/^#bind=/bind=" /etc/rethinkdb/instances.d/instance.conf



  1. admin 用户身份连接数据库(只有 admin 用户具有用户系统表的访问权限,因此必须以 admin 用户连接到数据库)

    from rethinkdb import r

    # 无密码连接
    r.connect('localhost', 28015).repl()

    # 有密码连接
    r.connect('localhost', 28015, password='123456').repl()
  2. 新增用户名和密码(用户信息存储在 users 系统表中)

    r.db('rethinkdb').table('users').insert({id: 'bob', password: 'secret'})
  3. 重置指定用户的密码

    # 重置为新密码
    r.db('rethinkdb').table('users').get('username').update({password: newpassword})

    # 重置为空密码
    r.db('rethinkdb').table('users').get('username').update({password: false})


常用的 RethinkDB 重置密码相关的操作主要有修改密码和清空密码(将密码设置为空)两种方式。

  1. 登录 RethinkDB Web 界面,在【Data explorer】下输入所需的命令

    # 修改密码命令
    r.db('rethinkdb').table('users').get('admin').update({password: 'newpassword'})

    # 清空密码命令
    r.db('rethinkdb').table('users').get('admin').update({password: false})

  2. 点击【run】后生效


RethinkDB 可视化控制台是它的重要组成部分,是其重要的产品特征。

  1. 使用本地电脑的浏览器访问网址:http://服务器公网IP:9090,准备登陆 RethinkDB 控制台

  2. 输入用户名和密码(不知道账号密码?

  3. 成功登录到 RethinkDB 后台

  4. 依次打开:【Tables】>【Add Database】,增加一个数据库

  5. 打开数据库,点击【Add Table】增加表

RethinkDB 参数

RethinkDB 应用中包含 Nginx, Docker 等组件,可通过 通用参数表 查看路径、服务、端口等参数。

通过运行docker ps,可以查看到 RethinkDB 运行时所有的 Container:

CONTAINER ID   IMAGE              COMMAND                  CREATED              STATUS              PORTS                                                                                                                                     NAMES
e9cfcd42987e rethinkdb:latest "/bin/bash -c 'rethi…" About a minute ago Up About a minute>28015/tcp, :::28015->28015/tcp,>29015/tcp, :::29015->29015/tcp,>8080/tcp, :::9090->8080/tcp rethinkdb


RethinkDB 安装目录: /data/apps/rethinkdb
RethinkDB 数据目录: /data/apps/rethinkdb/data/rethinkdb_data
RethinkDB 配置文件目录: /etc/rethinkdb/instances.d



28015RethinkDB connect可选
9090RethinkDB Web-based GUI可选


docker exec -it rethinkdb rethinkdb --version


sudo docker l start | stop | restart | stats rethinkdb



RethinkDB 提供了强大的的服务端命令行工具 rethinkdb

$ docker exec -it rethinkdb bash
$ rethinkdb -h

Running 'rethinkdb' will create a new data directory or use an existing one,
and serve as a RethinkDB server.
File path options:
-d [ --directory ] path specify directory to store data and
--io-threads n how many simultaneous I/O operations
can happen at the same time
--direct-io use direct I/O for file access
--cache-size mb total cache size (in megabytes) for
the process. Can be 'auto'.

Server options:
-n [ --server-name ] arg the name for this server (as will
appear in the metadata). If not
specified, one will be generated from
the hostname and a random
alphanumeric string.
-t [ --server-tag ] arg a tag for this server. Can be
specified multiple times.

Network options:
--bind {all | addr} add the address of a local interface
to listen on when accepting
connections, loopback addresses are
enabled by default. Can be overridden
by the following three options.
--bind-cluster {all | addr} override the behavior specified by
--bind for cluster connections.
--bind-driver {all | addr} override the behavior specified by
--bind for client driver connections.
--bind-http {all | addr} override the behavior specified by
--bind for web console connections.
--no-default-bind disable automatic listening on
loopback addresses
--cluster-port port port for receiving connections from
other servers
--driver-port port port for rethinkdb protocol client
-o [ --port-offset ] offset all ports used locally will have this
value added
-j [ --join ] host[:port] host and port of a rethinkdb server
to connect to
--reql-http-proxy [protocol://]host[:port] HTTP proxy to use for performing
`r.http(...)` queries, default port
is 1080
--canonical-address host[:port] address that other rethinkdb
instances will use to connect to us,
can be specified multiple times
--join-delay seconds hold the TCP connection open for
these many seconds before joining
with another server
--cluster-reconnect-timeout seconds maximum number of seconds to attempt
reconnecting to a server before
giving up, the default is 24 hours

TLS options:
--http-tls-key key_filename private key to use for web
administration console TLS
--http-tls-cert cert_filename certificate to use for web
administration console TLS
--driver-tls-key key_filename private key to use for client driver
connection TLS
--driver-tls-cert cert_filename certificate to use for client driver
connection TLS
--driver-tls-ca ca_filename CA certificate bundle used to verify
client certificates; TLS client
authentication disabled if omitted
--cluster-tls-key key_filename private key to use for intra-cluster
connection TLS
--cluster-tls-cert cert_filename certificate to use for intra-cluster
connection TLS
--cluster-tls-ca ca_filename CA certificate bundle used to verify
cluster peer certificates
--tls-min-protocol protocol the minimum TLS protocol version that
the server accepts; options are
'TLSv1', 'TLSv1.1', 'TLSv1.2';
default is 'TLSv1.2'
--tls-ciphers cipher_list specify a list of TLS ciphers to use;
default is 'EECDH+AESGCM'
--tls-ecdh-curve curve_name specify a named elliptic curve to use
for ECDHE; default is 'prime256v1'
--tls-dhparams dhparams_filename provide parameters for DHE key
agreement; REQUIRED if using DHE
cipher suites; at least 2048-bit

Authentication options:
--initial-password {auto | password} sets an initial password for the
"admin" user on a new server. If set
to auto, a random password will be

Web options:
--web-static-directory directory the directory containing web
resources for the http interface
--http-port port port for web administration console
--no-http-admin disable web administration console

CPU options:
-c [ --cores ] n the number of cores to use

Service options:
--pid-file path a file in which to write the process
id when the process is running
--daemon daemonize this rethinkdb process

Set User/Group options:
--runuser user run as the specified user
--rungroup group run with the specified group

Help options:
-h [ --help ] print this help
-v [ --version ] print the version number of rethinkdb

Log options:
--log-file file specify the file to log to, defaults
to 'log_file'
--no-update-check obsolete. Update checking has been

Configuration file options:
--config-file take options from a configuration

There are a number of subcommands for more specific tasks:
'rethinkdb create': prepare files on disk for a new server instance
'rethinkdb serve': use an existing data directory to host data and serve queries
'rethinkdb proxy': serve queries from an existing cluster but don't host data
'rethinkdb export': export data from an existing cluster into a file or directory
'rethinkdb import': import data from from a file or directory into an existing cluster
'rethinkdb dump': export and compress data from an existing cluster
'rethinkdb restore': import compressed data into an existing cluster
'rethinkdb index-rebuild': rebuild outdated secondary indexes
'rethinkdb repl': start a Python REPL with the RethinkDB driver

For more information, run 'rethinkdb help [subcommand]'.


RethinkDB 官方没有客户端 CLI,但提供了Python, Java, Node 等开发语言的 RethinkDB client drivers

用户通过这些 drivers 以程序的方式连接 RethinkDB 服务,然后进行场景的数据库操作。

下面以 Python 为例描述如何具体使用:

  1. 安装 rethinkdb 驱动

    pip3 install rethinkdb
  2. 编写 Python 程序,连接 RethinkDB 服务器

    from rethinkdb import r
    r.connect('localhost', 28015).repl()
    r.table('tv_shows').insert({ 'name': 'Star Trek TNG' }).run()


上述客户端命令即 API