MongoDB is A scalable, high-performance, open source NoSQL database, used for NoSQL Database . MongoDB is a scalable, high-performance, open source NoSQL database written in C++.
When referring to this document to use MongoDB, please read and ensure the following points:
This application is installed by Websoft9 console.
The purpose of this application complies with the SSPL-v1 open source license agreement.
Configure the domain name or server security group opens external network ports for application access.
Getting started
Initial setup
When completed installation of MongoDB at Websoft9 Console, get the applicaiton's Overview and Access information from My Apps
Complete the install wizard step by step
CLI connection
Enter the MongoDB container and run the MongoDB Shell command
$ mongosh admin -u root -p YOURPASSWORD
MongoDB shell version v5.0.10
connecting to: mongodb://
... -
List the default databases and users
# List all databases
show dbs
# Switch to the admin database and list all users.
use admin
show users
Graphical Web
Websoft9 provides a web-based application to access the MongoDB Compass
The most commonly used MongoDB commands are listed below for you reference:
Display, create and switch databases.
> show dbs
admin 0.000GB
config 0.000GB
local 0.000GB
# Create the test database (if not exist)
> use test
switched to db test
# Display current database.
> db
# Display all users.
> show users
# Insert data to database.
> db.test.insert({"name":"company"})
WriteResult({ "nInserted" : 1 })
Delete database.
> show dbs
admin 0.000GB
config 0.000GB
local 0.000GB
test 0.000GB
websoft9 0.000GB
> use test
switched to db test
> use test
> db.dropDatabase()
{ "dropped" : "test", "ok" : 1 }
> show dbs
admin 0.000GB
config 0.000GB
local 0.000GB
websoft9 0.000GB
Create administrator account.
> mongo
> use admin
switched to db admin
> db.createUser( { user: "webs_admin", pwd: "websoft9", roles: ["userAdminAnyDatabase"] } )
Successfully added user: { "user" : "webs_admin", "roles" : [ "userAdminAnyDatabase" ] }
# Display accounts.
> show users
"_id" : "admin.webs_admin",
"user" : "webs_admin",
"db" : "admin",
"roles" : [
"role" : "userAdminAnyDatabase",
"db" : "admin"
"mechanisms" : [
Change administrator password.
> db = db.getSiblingDB('admin')
> db.changeUserPassword("root", "NEWPASSWORD")
> exit
Configuration options
Configuration file (mounted): /etc/mongod.conf
Enable public access: Modify the field
in the configuration file -
Server command:
Client command:
Commands: mongod is the server-side management command for MongoDB, mongo is the client used to access the MongoDB service
No authentication access (√): refer to Access Control setting
Default database admin: database users with global administrative privileges must be stored in this admin database
Shut down MongoDB access authentication: From Websoft9 console select My Apps > Compose > Go to Edit Repository > .env, comments the environment variable with prefix MONGO_INITDB_, and rebuild.
Forgot administrator password: After turn off MongoDB access authentication, enter the container and run the reset command, then restore.
> db = db.getSiblingDB('admin')
> db.changeUserPassword(“root”, “NEWPASSWORD”) -
Backups: mongodump and mongorestore are the included MongoDB backup and recovery tools (MongoDB Backup Methods)
# Backup
mongodump --authenticationDatabase admin --username root --password PASSWORD -d DATABASE_NAME -h localhost
# Recover
mongorestore --authenticationDatabase admin --username root --password PASSWORD PATH_TO_BACKUP_FILE
MongoDB compass cannot connect?
Verify that connection parameters such as prefix port, bindIP, and account authentication meet the specified requirements.