Neo4j is A high performance graph store with all the features expected of a mature and robust database, used for Graph Databases . Neo4j® graph database is the world's leading Graph Database. It is a high performance graph store with all the features expected of a mature and robust database.
When referring to this document to use Neo4j, please read and ensure the following points:
This application is installed by Websoft9 console.
The purpose of this application complies with the GPL-3.0 open source license agreement.
Configure the domain name or server security group opens external network ports for application access.
Getting started
Initial setup
When completed installation of Neo4j at Websoft9 console, get the applicaiton's overview and access information from "My Apps"
Access Neo4j Browser and fill in the accurate Connection URL, account, and password to successfully login
From the Neo4j Browser Sync, click on Clear local data to logout
Command Cypher Shell
Access the command mode of the Neo4j container and use the 'cypher shell' command
Cypher shell
username: neo4j
password: *****
Connected to Neo4j 4.1.0 at neo4j://localhost:7687 as user neo4j.
Type :help for a list of available commands or :exit to exit the shell.
Note that Cypher queries must end with a semicolon.
neo4j@neo4j > -
Enter the command
CALL dbms. showCurrentUser()
View current userneo4j@neo4j >CALL dbms. showCurrentUser();
|Username | roles | flags|
|Neo4j | admin | []|
1 row available after 22 ms, consumed after another 1 ms -
User management commands (Enterprise Edition only)
#Show all users
CALL dbms. security. listUsers();
#Create a new user, the third parameter represents requestchangepassword
CALL dbms. security. createUser ('username','password', false);
#Delete user
CALL dbms. security. deleteUser ('username'); -
Change password
cypher-shell -u neo4j -p neo4j -d system
Enterprise Edition
Hosting services
Websoft9 can provide comprehensive procurement and hosting support services for Neo4j Enterprise Edition.
Application scenarios
- Social field: Facebook and LinkedIn analyze each user's friend information, further manage social relationships, and achieve friend recommendations
- Retail field: Building a Chain of Relationship Models between Retailers and E-commerce Platforms. Read Beer and Diapers, easy to make product recommendations
- Financial field: Build a network profile for users by crawling social relationships from their mobile phone contacts, facilitating risk control and collection
- Automotive manufacturing field: Relationship graph of automotive component suppliers, effectively reducing the supply chain risk of 20000 components for a single car
- Telecommunications field: Telecommunications operator companies manage complex network infrastructure topologies distributed globally, facilitating more effective operation and maintenance.
- Knowledge graphs field: knowledge graphs related to the relationship between companies and people, such as Qichacha and Tianyancha, can be understood as relationship search engines.
- Public field: the relationship map similar to the travel path of patients with COVID-19 epidemic can better make accurate troubleshooting.
As can be seen, graph databases are used to store the relationships between people-people, objects-objects, and people-objects, for purposes such as recommendations, knowledge graphs, and efficiency.
Configuration options
Multi user: User and role management, only supported in the enterprise version
Enable remote access: Add configuration section
Configuration file(Mounted): /var/lib/neo4j/
Port Description: Port on Configuration file
Tools: Neo4j Tools
Command line: Crypto Shell
Clustering: Enterprise version features
- Retrieve Password: Add
to the configuration file, disable password verification, and reset the password before restoring.
Error connecting to database?
Problem description: Neo4j Browser encountered an error when connecting to the database. Cause analysis: The security group port corresponding to your server is not enabled (entry rule), resulting in the inability to connect to the database
Is Role displayed as empty?
Neo4j Community Edition does not support Rules, so it is displayed as empty