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Version: 2.0


Cloudreve is Self-hosted file management system with muilt-cloud support, used for Document Collaboration Enterprise content management . Cloudreve is a self-hosted file management system with muilt-cloud support. It support storing files into Local storage, Remote storage, Qiniu, Aliyun OSS, Tencent COS, Upyun, OneDrive, S3 compatible API.



When referring to this document to use Cloudreve, please read and ensure the following points:

  • Login to Websoft9 Console and find or install Cloudreve:

    • Go to My Apps listing applications
    • Go to App Store installing target application
  • This application is installed by Websoft9 console.

  • The purpose of this application complies with the GPL-3.0 open source license agreement.

  • Configure the domain name or server security group opens external network ports for application access.

Getting started

Login Verification

  1. After completing the installation of Cloudreve in the Websoft9 console, get the applicaiton's overview and access credentials from the My Apps section

  2. Starting to verify the application

Enable Offline download

Cloudreve powered by Websoft9 have installed RPC server container by default, you just need to enable it by below steps:

  1. Websoft9 console get RPC credentials from My Apps > Cloudreve > Aceess

  2. Login Cloudreve by URL, select Personal Center > Dashboard > Nodes, edit Master (Local machine)

  3. Enable the download task and fill the RPC credentials from step one

  4. Select Testing Aria2 Communication, if the test is successful, it will prompt Successfully connected

  5. Select Next until complete

Document editing and preview

Refer to: Cloudreve wopi

Configuration options

  • Multilingual (√)
  • wopi (√): ONLYOFFICE, CODE
  • RPC container (√)

