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Version: 2.0


Tinyproxy is A light-weight HTTP/HTTPS proxy software, used for HTTP Server Application Gateway . Tinyproxy is a small, efficient HTTP/SSL proxy daemon released under the GNU General Public License. Tinyproxy is very useful in a small network setting, where a larger proxy would either be too resource intensive, or a security risk. One of the key features of Tinyproxy is the buffering connection concept.



When referring to this document to use Tinyproxy, please read and ensure the following points:

  • Login to Websoft9 Console and find or install Tinyproxy:

    • Go to My Apps listing applications
    • Go to App Store installing target application
  • This application is installed by Websoft9 console.

  • The purpose of this application complies with the GPL-2.0 open source license agreement.

  • Configure the domain name or server security group opens external network ports for application access.

Getting Started

Using Git Clone Through a Proxy

Follow these steps to use Tinyproxy for git clone:

  1. Modify the ALLOWED field in the .env file via the console. The changes will take effect after you rebuild the application.

  2. Use the following command to clone the repository through Tinyproxy:

    git -c http.proxy=http://TinyproxyURL:Port clone --depth=1

Configuration Options

  • Whitelist Setup: To allow specific IP addresses, edit the ALLOWED field in the .env file. Using will allow all IPs to access. Separate multiple IP addresses with spaces.

