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Version: 1.0

superset Getting Started

Apache Superset (incubating) is a modern, enterprise-ready business intelligence web application

If you have installed Websoft9 superset, the following steps is for your quick start


  1. Get the Internet IP of your Server on Cloud
  2. Check your Inbound of Security Group Rule of Cloud Console to ensure the TCP:80 is allowed
  3. Complete Five steps for Domain if you want to use Domain for superset
  4. Get default username and password of superset

Superset Initialization

Steps for you

  1. Using local browser to access URL http://DNS or http://Instance's Internet IP, enter login page superset login page

  2. Log in to Superset web console(Don't have password?)
    superset login page

  3. Modiyf your password by: 【Super Admin】>【Profile】

Having trouble?

Below is for you to solve problem, and you can contact Websoft9 Support or refer to Troubleshoot + FAQ to get more.

Superset password is correct, but login still fails

refer to here

Superset QuickStart

The following is an example of Superset connecting MySQL data source for analysis:

  1. Add data source: After logging in Superset, open:【Data】>【Databases】

  2. Click 【DATABASE】 in the upper right corner, enter the data server address, port, database name and driver to be connected (More Reference

    mysql://username:password@server:port/database name

  3. Click 【ADD】, the added database will be displayed in the list

  4. Add data table(datasets): Open the menu in turn:【Data】>【Datesets】

  5. Click Add Datasets, select datasource, SCHEMA, Table in turn, and click 【ADD】

  6. The newly added table has been displayed in the Datasets list.

  7. Data source added successfully

More useful Superset guide, please refer to Superset documentation

Superset Setup

Install Database Drivers

You’ll need to install the required packages for the database you want to use as your metadata database as well as the packages needed to connect to the databases.

The below is the command how to install drivers

# Access Superset container as root user
docker exec -it --user root superset_app bash

# sample1
pip install mysqlclient

# sample2
pip install psycopg2

Refer to more Supported Databases and Dependencies

Superset connect to MS SQL server database

# Access Superset container as root user
docker exec -it -u root superset_app bash

# Install MSSQL driver
pip install pymssql

# Log in to Superset, use the following connection string to add SQLServer Database
# E.g mssql+pymssql://sa:passwd123@
mssql+pymssql://username:password@server ip:port/database

If you want to replace logo of Superset Container, please refer to below steps:

  1. Use SFTP to upload you png logo to the directory */data`

  2. Rename it to superset-logo-horiz

  3. Run the below command to replace Superset official logo

    docker cp /data/superset-logo-horiz.png superset_app:/app/superset/static/assets/images/superset-logo-horiz.png

    superset_app is the SuperSet container name

  4. Refresh the Superset console

Configure SMTP

  1. Get SMTP related parameters in the mailbox management console

  2. Add the below SMTP Configuration section to Superset configuration file correct the items

    # smtp server configuration
    EMAIL_NOTIFICATIONS = True # all the emails are sent using dryrun
    SMTP_HOST = ''
    SMTP_SSL = True
    SMTP_USER = ''
    SMTP_PORT = 465
    SMTP_PASSWORD = '#wwBJ8'
  3. Saved and restart Superset container

    sudo docker restart superset_app

Reset Password

There are two main measures to reset password.

Changing password

Take the steps below:

Login to Superset console, open:【Settings】>【User】>【Info】 to modify password

Superset modify password

Forgot Password

Try to retrieve your password by the flowing steps:

  1. Use SSH to connect Server, run the below command to login database

    docker exec -it superset_db psql -U superset
  2. At the mode of Database CLI interaction, run the below SQL command, then you password is admin123 now.

    update ab_user set password='pbkdf2:sha256:150000$w8vfDHis$b9c8fa353137417946766ed87cf20510da7e1e3a7b79eef37426330abef552bf' where username='admin';

Reference sheet

The below items and General parameter sheet is maybe useful for you manage Superset

Run docker ps command, view all Containers when Superset is running:

CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                           COMMAND                  CREATED              STATUS                                 PORTS                               NAMES
453f04935734 apache/superset:latest "/usr/bin/docker-ent…" About a minute ago Up About a minute (healthy)>8088/tcp superset_app
5477e7693ef3 apache/superset:latest "/usr/bin/docker-ent…" About a minute ago Up About a minute (healthy) 8088/tcp superset_worker
d6670fa1bc11 apache/superset:latest "/usr/bin/docker-ent…" About a minute ago Up About a minute (healthy) 8088/tcp superset_worker_beat
17689f5d6ebb postgres:10 "docker-entrypoint.s…" About a minute ago Up About a minute>5432/tcp superset_db
06bf52f4b856 redis:3.2 "docker-entrypoint.s…" About a minute ago Up About a minute>6379/tcp superset_cache


Superset installation directory: /data/apps/superset
Superset data directory: /data/apps/superset/superset_home
Superset configuration directory: /data/apps/superset/src/docker
Superset configuration file: /data/apps/superset/src/docker/pythonpath_dev/


No special port


# Superset Version
docker exec -it superset_app /bin/bash -c 'cat /app/superset-frontend/package.json |grep version'


sudo docker  start | stop | restart | status superset-app
sudo docker start | stop | restart | status superset-worker
sudo docker start | stop | restart | status superset-worker_beat
sudo docker start | stop | restart | status superset-db
sudo docker start | stop | restart | status superset-cache


Superset have CLI superset for administrator.

Use SSH to login Server, and run the following command to Superset container

# Login to Superset container
docker exec -it superset_app bash

# Run the Superset CLI command

Main options and commands:

Usage: superset [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

This is a management script for the Superset application.

--version Show the flask version
--help Show this message and exit.

db Perform database migrations.
export-dashboards Export dashboards to JSON
export-datasource-schema Export datasource YAML schema to stdout
export-datasources Export datasources to YAML
fab FAB flask group commands
flower Runs a Celery Flower web server Celery Flower

import-dashboards Import dashboards from JSON
import-datasources Import datasources from YAML
init Inits the Superset application
load-examples Loads a set of Slices and Dashboards and a...
load-test-users Loads admin, alpha, and gamma user for testing...
refresh-druid Refresh druid datasources
routes Show the routes for the app.
run Run a development server.
set-database-uri Updates a database connection URI
shell Run a shell in the app context.
sync-tags Rebuilds special tags (owner, type, favorited...
update-datasources-cache Refresh sqllab datasources cache
version Prints the current version number
worker Starts a Superset worker for async SQL query...


Superset API