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Version: 1.0

Odoo Getting Started

Odoo is a suite of web based open source business apps.The main Odoo Apps include an Open Source CRM, Website Builder, eCommerce, Warehouse Management, Project Management, Billing & Accounting, Point of Sale, Human Resources, Marketing, Manufacturing, Purchase Management,Odoo Apps can be used as stand-alone applications, but they also integrate seamlessly so you get a full-featured Open Source ERP when you install several Apps.

If you have installed Websoft9 Odoo, the following steps is for your quick start


  1. Get the Internet IP of your Server on Cloud
  2. Check your Inbound of Security Group Rule of Cloud Console to ensure the TCP:80 is allowed
  3. Complete Five steps for Domain if you want to use Domain for Odoo
  4. Get default username and password of Odoo

Odoo Initialization

Steps for you

  1. Using local Chrome or Firefox to visit the URL http://domain name or http://Internet IP, you will enter installation wizard of Odoo Odoo初始化页面

2.Fill in all items, then click create database button to start create one Company's database

The Email and Password is credentials for log in to Odoo

  1. After the create database is complete, log in to the Odoo Console and install the apps your required. Odoo APPS

  2. Log out, click the Manage Database in the log in page of Odoo
    Odoo manage database

  3. Click the set a master password to set a management password for Odoo's databases(very important) Odoo set a pssword

  4. Odoo Support for multi-enterprise, so you can create database again for creating new company Odoo create database again

  5. Return to log in page, you can see a new database listed for log in Odoo login

More useful Odoo guide, please refer to Odoo Documentation

Having trouble?

Below is for you to solve problem, and you can contact Websoft9 Support or refer to Troubleshoot + FAQ to get more.

Check the Demo data, can you delete the data later?

Their no tools for you to delete Demo data. It is recommended to delete the database directly and then add it again (the Demo data is no longer checked)

Odoo QuickStart

The following uses Odoo to build enterprise ERP as a task to help users get started quickly:

To learn more about the use of Odoo, please refer to the official documentation: Odoo Documentation

Odoo Setup

Configure SMTP

  1. Get SMTP related parameters in the mailbox management console

  2. Log in to the Odoo Console, intall the Discuss module that SMTP need Odoo SMTP

  3. Open Settings > General Settings > Discuss to start configure SMTP Odoo SMTP

  4. Fill in the SMTP parameters Odoo SMTP

    Odoo 15 Odoo SMTP

  5. Click the Test Connection

Database Manager

Odoo comes with a database manager, refer to:

  1. Click the [Manage Database] link on the Odoo login interface Odoo manage database

  2. Click [set a master password] to set a master password for the database to protect the database (very important) Odoo set a password

  3. Set a password Odoo set a password

  4. Select the action item to manage the database Odoo set a password


Odoo supports multi-tenancy (multi-enterprise organization), adding a database is equivalent to adding an enterprise.

Multiple companies use a set of Odoo together, log in with different accounts, and do not interfere with each other.

  1. Click [create database], enter the password, and set the name Odoo new database

  2. After the addition is complete, you will see the new database listed in the database management interface


  1. Enter the password, select the backup format, and click [Backup] Odoo Backup

  2. After the backup is completed, the system will automatically download the backup data (zip file)


An enterprise organization can be completely copied as the data of the new enterprise organization

  1. Enter the password, set the name, and click [Continue] Odoo set a pssword

  2. After the copy is successful, the database management column will list the newly copied database


Please proceed with caution


After the database is deleted, it can be restored from a backup

  1. Enter the password, select the backup file, name the restored database, and click [Continue] Odoo set a pssword

  2. "413 Request Entity Too Large" may appear during database recovery. Solution

Modify master password

Changing the master password is a very important security operation.

Basic Settings

Go to Odoo's Settings panel

  1. Log in Odoo, and click the Settings icon in the left top menu Odoo  Settings
  2. Then, you can install apps, set language, add user, set up company and more

Odoo set logodoo 设置logo](

Set Language

  1. Go to Settings console to add a new language Odoo add new language
  2. Then go to Administrator > Prefrences
    Odoo user prefrences
  3. Set language for administrator Odoo set language

Enable developer mode

  1. Log in to Odoo, open the Settings item by clicking the settings icon in the upper left corner.
  2. Click Active the developer mode on the lower right of the Settings screen. Odoo Developer Mode
  3. In the developer mode, the Settings console has more features.

Install wkhtmltopdf

Odoo has installed the wkhtmltopdf, if you want to reintall it, follow is the steps:

  1. Remove the old version of wkhtmltopdf

    ~# sudo apt-get remove wkhtmltopdf 
    ~# sudo apt-get autoremove
  2. Download wkhtmltopdf tar file from Github

    ~# wget
  3. Unzip it and you can find a new folder named wkhtmltox in your Server

    ~# tar –xf [filename]
  4. Copy the file wkhtmltox/bin/wkhtmltomage and wkhtmmltox/bin/wkhtmltoodf the directory /usr/bin

    ~# cp wkhtmltox/bin/wkhtmltoimage /usr/bin/
    ~# cp wkhtmmltox/bin/wkhtmltoodf /usr/bin/
  5. Restart Odoo service

    ~# systemctl restart odoo

Apps Marketplace

In addition to the base modules, Odoo offers a number of premium third-party modules through Odoo Apps Marketplace

Reference sheet

The below items and General parameter sheet is maybe useful for you manage Odoo

Run docker ps, view all containers when {{trademark}} is running:

CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                   COMMAND                  CREATED         STATUS         PORTS                                                      NAMES
b0755e46fac5 dpage/pgadmin4:latest "/" 2 minutes ago Up 2 minutes 443/tcp,>80/tcp, :::9090->80/tcp pgadmin
e94cd3f2455b odoo:15 "/ odoo" 2 minutes ago Up 2 minutes 8071-8072/tcp,>8069/tcp, :::9001->8069/tcp odoo
486284019f46 postgres:14 "docker-entrypoint.s…" 2 minutes ago Up 2 minutes>5432/tcp, :::5432->5432/tcp odoo-db


Odoo install directory: /data/apps/odoo
Odoo configure file: /data/apps/odoo/data/odoo_config/odoo.conf


In addition to common ports such as 80, 443, etc., the following ports may be used:

No special port


docker exec -it odoo odoo --version


sudo docker start | stop | restart | status odoo
sudo docker start | stop | restart | status odoo-db
sudo docker start | stop | restart | status pgadmin


Odoo CLI is a command line tool for managing and configuring Odoo, connect to the server via SSH, run the odoo -h command, and list the available functions as follows.

--version show program's version number and exit
-h, --help show this help message and exit

Common options:
-c CONFIG, --config=CONFIG
specify alternate config file
-s, --save save configuration to ~/.odoorc (or to
~/.openerp_serverrc if it exists)
-i INIT, --init=INIT
install one or more modules (comma-separated list, use
"all" for all modules), requires -d
-u UPDATE, --update=UPDATE
update one or more modules (comma-separated list, use
"all" for all modules). Requires -d.
disable loading demo data for modules to be installed
(comma-separated, use "all" for all modules). Requires
-d and -i. Default is none
Use this for big data importation, if it crashes you
will be able to continue at the current state. Provide
a filename to store intermediate importation states.
--pidfile=PIDFILE file where the server pid will be stored
specify additional addons paths (separated by commas).
specify an additional upgrades path.
Comma-separated list of server-wide modules.
-D DATA_DIR, --data-dir=DATA_DIR
Directory where to store Odoo data

HTTP Service Configuration:
Listen interface address for HTTP services. Keep empty
to listen on all interfaces (
-p PORT, --http-port=PORT
Listen port for the main HTTP service
Listen port for the longpolling HTTP service
--no-http Disable the HTTP and Longpolling services entirely
--proxy-mode Activate reverse proxy WSGI wrappers (headers
rewriting) Only enable this when running behind a
trusted web proxy!

Web interface Configuration:
--db-filter=REGEXP Regular expressions for filtering available databases
for Web UI. The expression can use %d (domain) and %h
(host) placeholders.

Testing Configuration:
Launch a python test file.
--test-enable Enable unit tests.
Comma separated list of spec to filter which tests to
execute. Enable unit tests if set.
A filter spec has the format:
The '-' specifies if we want to include or exclude
tests matching this spec. The
tag will match tags added on a class with a @tagged
decorator. By default tag value is 'standard' when not
given on include mode. '*' will match all tags. Tag
will also match module name (deprecated, use /module)
The module, class, and method will respectively match
the module name, test class name and test method name.
examples: :TestClass.test_func,/test_module,external
--screencasts=DIR Screencasts will go in DIR/{db_name}/screencasts. '1'
can be used to force the same dir as for screenshots.
--screenshots=DIR Screenshots will go in DIR/{db_name}/screenshots.
Defaults to /tmp/odoo_tests.

Logging Configuration:
--logfile=LOGFILE file where the server log will be stored
--syslog Send the log to the syslog server
setup a handler at LEVEL for a given PREFIX. An empty
PREFIX indicates the root logger. This option can be
repeated. Example: "odoo.orm:DEBUG" or
"werkzeug:CRITICAL" (default: ":INFO")
--log-request shortcut for --log-handler=odoo.http.rpc.request:DEBUG
--log-response shortcut for --log-
--log-web shortcut for --log-handler=odoo.http:DEBUG
--log-sql shortcut for --log-handler=odoo.sql_db:DEBUG
--log-db=LOG_DB Logging database
Logging database level
specify the level of the logging. Accepted values:
['info', 'debug_rpc', 'warn', 'test', 'critical',
'debug_sql', 'error', 'debug', 'debug_rpc_answer',

SMTP Configuration:
specify the SMTP email address for sending email
--smtp=SMTP_SERVER specify the SMTP server for sending email
specify the SMTP port
--smtp-ssl if passed, SMTP connections will be encrypted with SSL
specify the SMTP username for sending email
specify the SMTP password for sending email

Database related options:
-d DB_NAME, --database=DB_NAME
specify the database name
-r DB_USER, --db_user=DB_USER
specify the database user name
-w DB_PASSWORD, --db_password=DB_PASSWORD
specify the database password
--pg_path=PG_PATH specify the pg executable path
--db_host=DB_HOST specify the database host
--db_port=DB_PORT specify the database port
specify the database ssl connection mode (see
PostgreSQL documentation)
specify the maximum number of physical connections to
specify a custom database template to create a new

Internationalisation options. :
Use these options to translate Odoo to another language. See i18n
section of the user manual. Option '-d' is mandatory. Option '-l' is
mandatory in case of importation

specifies the languages for the translations you want
to be loaded
-l LANGUAGE, --language=LANGUAGE
specify the language of the translation file. Use it
with --i18n-export or --i18n-import
export all sentences to be translated to a CSV file, a
PO file or a TGZ archive and exit
import a CSV or a PO file with translations and exit.
The '-l' option is required.
--i18n-overwrite overwrites existing translation terms on updating a
module or importing a CSV or a PO file.
specify modules to export. Use in combination with

Security-related options:
--no-database-list Disable the ability to obtain or view the list of
databases. Also disable access to the database manager
and selector, so be sure to set a proper --database
parameter first

Advanced options:
--dev=DEV_MODE Enable developer mode. Param: List of options
separated by comma. Options : all,
[pudb|wdb|ipdb|pdb], reload, qweb, werkzeug, xml
Specify a preferred REPL to use in shell mode.
Supported REPLs are: [ipython|ptpython|bpython|python]
--stop-after-init stop the server after its initialization
Force a limit on the maximum number of records kept in
the virtual osv_memory tables. The default is False,
which means no count-based limit.
Force a limit on the maximum age of records kept in
the virtual osv_memory tables. This is a decimal value
expressed in hours, and the default is 1 hour.
Maximum number of threads processing concurrently cron
jobs (default 2).
--unaccent Use the unaccent function provided by the database
when available.
Absolute path to the GeoIP database file.

Multiprocessing options:
--workers=WORKERS Specify the number of workers, 0 disable prefork mode.
Maximum allowed virtual memory per worker, when
reached the worker be reset after the current request
(default 2048MiB).
Maximum allowed virtual memory per worker, when
reached, any memory allocation will fail (default
Maximum allowed CPU time per request (default 60).
Maximum allowed Real time per request (default 120).
Maximum allowed Real time per cron job. (default:
--limit-time-real). Set to 0 for no limit.
Maximum number of request to be processed per worker
(default 8192).

For more details, please refer to the official documentation: Command-line interface: odoo-bin


Odoo External API