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Version: 1.0

HAProxy Getting Started

HAProxy is a free, very fast and reliable solution offering high availability, load balancing, and proxying for TCP and HTTP-based applications. It is particularly suited for very high traffic web sites and powers quite a number of the world's most visited ones. Over the years it has become the de-facto standard opensource load balancer, is now shipped with most mainstream Linux distributions, and is often deployed by default in cloud platforms.

If you have installed Websoft9 HAProxy, the following steps is for your quick start


  1. Get the Internet IP of your Server on Cloud
  2. Check your Inbound of Security Group Rule of Cloud Console to ensure the TCP:1080 is allowed
  3. Get default username and password of HAProxy
  4. Complete Five steps for Domain if you want to use Domain for HAProxy

HAProxy Installation Wizard

Steps for you

  1. Using local Chrome or Firefox to visit the URL http://DNS:1080/haproxy or http://Internet IP:1080/haproxy

  2. Input username and password(Don't known password?), go to HAProxy Statistics Report console

More useful HAProxy guide, please refer to HAProxy Documentation

Having trouble?

Below is for you to solve problem, and you can contact Websoft9 Support or refer to Troubleshoot + FAQ to get more.

HAProxy QuickStart

Refer to HAProxy Documentation 或以 xxx 作为一个任务,帮助用户快速入门:

HAProxy Setup

Can I reset password of HAProxy?

Yes, modify the configuration file /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg

listen admin_stats 
bind *:1080
mode http
maxconn 10
stats refresh 10s
stats uri /haproxy
stats realm Haproxy
stats auth admin:admin
stats hide-version
stats admin if TRUE

Enable HAProxy Statistics Report

The HAProxy Statistics Report was enabled by default, just visit the URL:http://Internet IP:1080/haproxy

Enable HAProxy log

Log was enabled by default, check the file /etc/rsyslog.conf to get the configuration details

High availability

You should deploy the software Keepalived to implement the High availability for HAProxy

HAProxy Cluster configuration

Simply add the information of the cluster server to be managed in the configuration file to enable the HAProxy cluster. Examples are as follows:

# [HTTP Site Configuration]
listen http_web
mode http
balance roundrobin # Load Balancing algorithm
option httpchk
option forwardfor
server server1 weight 1 maxconn 512 check
server server2 weight 1 maxconn 512 check

# [HTTPS Site Configuration]
listen https_web
mode tcp
balance source# Load Balancing algorithm
reqadd X-Forwarded-Proto: http
server server1 weight 1 maxconn 512 check
server server2 weight 1 maxconn 512 check

Reference sheet

The below items and General parameter sheet is maybe useful for you manage HAProxy

Run docker ps command, view all Containers when HAProxy is running:

CONTAINER ID   IMAGE         COMMAND                  CREATED         STATUS         PORTS                                                                              NAMES
df7ee0f0070c haproxy:2.6 "docker-entrypoint.s…" 9 minutes ago Up 9 minutes>1080/tcp, :::1080->1080/tcp,>80/tcp, :::9001->80/tcp haproxy


HAProxy installation directory: /data/apps/haproxy
HAProxy configuration file: /data/apps/haproxy/src/haproxy.cfg


1080HTTP requests for HAProxy Statistics ReportOptional
9001for HAProxyOptional


sudo docker exec -it haproxy haproxy -v


sudo docker start | stop | restart | status haproxy


Use haproxy to manage HAProxy

Usage : haproxy [-f <cfgfile>]* [ -vdVD ] [ -n <maxconn> ] [ -N <maxpconn> ]
[ -p <pidfile> ] [ -m <max megs> ] [ -C <dir> ]
-v displays version ; -vv shows known build options.
-d enters debug mode ; -db only disables background mode.
-dM[<byte>] poisons memory with <byte> (defaults to 0x50)
-V enters verbose mode (disables quiet mode)
-D goes daemon ; -C changes to <dir> before loading files.
-q quiet mode : don't display messages
-c check mode : only check config files and exit
-n sets the maximum total # of connections (2000)
-m limits the usable amount of memory (in MB)
-N sets the default, per-proxy maximum # of connections (2000)
-L set local peer name (default to hostname)
-p writes pids of all children to this file
-de disables epoll() usage even when available
-dp disables poll() usage even when available
-dS disables splice usage (broken on old kernels)
-dG disables getaddrinfo() usage
-dV disables SSL verify on servers side
-sf/-st [pid ]* finishes/terminates old pids. Must be last arguments.