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Version: 2.0


Zulip is Organized team chat, used for Chat . open-source team chat with topic-based threading for organization.



When referring to this document to use Zulip, please read and ensure the following points:

  • Login to Websoft9 Console and find or install Zulip:

    • Go to My Apps listing applications
    • Go to App Store installing target application
  • This application is installed by Websoft9 console.

  • Please check the application's usage license agreement to ensure compliance.

  • Configure the domain name or server security group opens external network ports for application access.

Getting Started

Initial Setup

  1. Log in to the Websoft9 Console, go to Gateway in the left menu, and follow the steps to configure HTTPS for Zulip (Required).

  2. After completing the installation of Zulip in the Websoft9 Console, retrieve the application's Overview from My Apps:

    • Obtain the URL in the Access tab.
    • Obtain the Main Container ID in the Container tab.
  3. Access the container and execute the command to generate a link for creating a new organization:

    docker exec -u zulip "Master container ID obtained in step 2" /home/zulip/deployments/current/ generate_realm_creation_link
  4. Use a local browser to access the URL returned in step 3, create the organization and users, and complete the initialization.

Configuration Options

  • Multilingual (✅)

