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Version: 1.0

Redis Getting Started

Redis is an open source (BSD licensed), in-memory data structure store, used as a database, cache and message broker. It supports data structures such as strings, hashes, lists, sets, sorted sets with range queries, bitmaps, hyperloglogs, geospatial indexes with radius queries and streams. Redis has built-in replication, Lua scripting, LRU eviction, transactions and different levels of on-disk persistence, and provides high availability via Redis Sentinel and automatic partitioning with Redis Cluster.

If you have installed Websoft9 Redis, the following steps is for your quick start


  1. Get the Internet IP of your Server on Cloud
  2. Check your Inbound of Security Group Rule of Cloud Console to ensure the TCP:8001,6379 is allowed
  3. Complete Five steps for Domain if you want to use Domain for Redis
  4. Get default username and password of Redis

Redis Initialization

Steps for you

  1. Use SSH tool to connect Redis Server

  2. Run the following command to view the Redis service, STATUS is running, indicating that the Redis service is normal

    $ cd /data/apps/redis && sudo docker compose ls
    redis running(2) /data/apps/redis/docker-compose.yml

  3. Run the version query command

    $ sudo docker exec -it redis redis-server -v

    Redis server v=2.8.24 sha=00000000:0 malloc=jemalloc-3.6.0 bits=64 build=ba7fac81f854c786
  4. Run the Redis CLI command

    $ docker exec -it redis redis-cli>

    //password login
    $ docker exec -it redis redis-cli -h -p 6379 -a <password>>

More useful Redis guide, please refer to Redis Documentation

Having trouble?

Below is for you to solve problem, and you can contact Websoft9 Support or refer to Troubleshoot + FAQ to get more.

Redis QuickStart

To learn more about the use of Redis, please refer to: Redis Documentation

Redis Setup

Redis remote connection

Although we don't suggest you access Redis from Internet, but sometime you may need to do this.

e.g. Using RedisInsight.

Then, you need to configure your redis remote by the following steps:

Set port

Check your Inbound of Security Group Rule of Cloud Console to ensure the TCP:6379 is allowed

Bind IP

You should check your Redis configuration file the following segment

# By default Redis listens for connections from all the network interfaces
# available on the server. It is possible to listen to just one or multiple
# interfaces using the "bind" configuration directive, followed by one or
# more IP addresses.
# Examples:
# bind
# bind
  • If you need to restrict all external access, remove the "#" and restart the service.
  • If you want to specify a certain network card, add a line of binding items yourself, for example: bind

The bind here is not a concept of a whitelist, but a binding relationship between server network cards.

Enable password

Redis provided Access Control List ACL, after Redis 6.0, These features have been enhanced.

Enable password is need for Internet access, the easiest way to authenticate is to set a password:

  1. Edit Redis config file,find the item below
# Warning: since Redis is pretty fast an outside user can try up to
# 150k passwords per second against a good box. This means that you should
# use a very strong password otherwise it will be very easy to break.
# requirepass foobared
  1. Set password from # requirepass foobared to requirepass yourpassword

    Be sure to set the password whic is a very complex password For local access mode, if password authentication is turned off, you can still connect to access; for remote access, you must set a password to access

  2. After restart Redis service, it will take effect

Redis GUI(RedisInsight)

We suggest you use the GUI tool RedisInsight (Download | Licence) powered by Redis Labs to manage your Redis. It's a web-base GUI which can be installed on Windows, Linux, Mac OS.

RedisInsight is very powerful. It integrates management, monitoring, configuration and analysis, and can even run CLI commands.


View Redis remote connection, confirm matching the basic condition.


RedisInsight realize the unity of multiple platforms, it have the same steps:

  1. Start RedisInsight, access init page

    • Using local Chrome or Firefox to visit the URL https://Internet IP:8002, open the web RedisInsight
    • Double click RedisInsight icon, open local client RedisInsight

    Start RedisInsight

  2. Select 【Connect to a Redis Server】 Select RedisInsight connect way

  3. Input connect information Login RedisInsight

    • HOST:localhost (recommendation) or Internet IP (Redis open remote)
    • Port:6379
    • Name:redis
  4. Connect success RedisInsight connection

  5. RedisInsight has powerful functions, including management, monitoring, configuration and analysis, and can even run cli commands RedisInsight console


Redis supports RDB and AOF persistence way:

  • RDB:through snapshot technology, a copy of the data in memory is generated and saved to the specified directory on the disk
  • AOF:In other words, all commands (and their parameters) that have been written to the database are recorded to the AOF file by means of protocol text, so as to achieve the purpose of recording database status, which is very similar to the binary log of MySQL

Multiple instances

Redis is a dictionary hash structure storage server, one Redis has 16 dictionary hash(form 0 to 15, default 0), The client can specify which dictionary to store the data in. It is very similar to building a database in a relational database.

Usually, we will start multiple redis instances on one server:

  1. Prepare the ports required for the second instance, example for port: 6378

  2. Copy redis.conf file, named redis_6378.conf

  3. Fill in the configuration item correctly

    Configuration itemConfiguration description
    portserver port
    logfilelog files
    dirRedis work directory
    daemonizeWhether it has been started in daemons mode Redis(yes or no)
  4. Start service

    redis-server /etc/redis/redis_6378.conf

Reset Password

Edit Redis Config parameter requirepass of value, can reset the password

# Warning: since Redis is pretty fast an outside user can try up to
# 150k passwords per second against a good box. This means that you should
# use a very strong password otherwise it will be very easy to break.
# requirepass foobared


You can configure Redis by modify redis.conf file, and run the CONFIG command of redis-cli by SSH

Get configuration items

run the command CONFIG GET * to list all configuration items> CONFIG GET *
1) "dbfilename"
2) "dump.rdb"
3) "requirepass"
4) ""
5) "masterauth"
6) ""
7) "unixsocket"
8) ""
9) "logfile"
10) "/var/log/redis.log"
11) "pidfile"
12) "/var/run/"
13) "maxmemory"
14) "0"
15) "maxmemory-samples"
16) "3"
17) "timeout"
18) "0"
19) "tcp-keepalive"
20) "0"
21) "auto-aof-rewrite-percentage"
22) "100"
23) "auto-aof-rewrite-min-size"
24) "67108864"
25) "hash-max-ziplist-entries"
26) "512"
27) "hash-max-ziplist-value"
28) "64"
29) "list-max-ziplist-entries"
30) "512"
31) "list-max-ziplist-value"
32) "64"
33) "set-max-intset-entries"
34) "512"
35) "zset-max-ziplist-entries"
36) "128"
37) "zset-max-ziplist-value"
38) "64"
39) "hll-sparse-max-bytes"
40) "3000"
41) "lua-time-limit"
42) "5000"
43) "slowlog-log-slower-than"
44) "10000"
45) "latency-monitor-threshold"
46) "0"
47) "slowlog-max-len"
48) "128"
49) "port"
50) "6379"
51) "tcp-backlog"
52) "511"
53) "databases"
54) "16"
55) "repl-ping-slave-period"
56) "10"
57) "repl-timeout"
58) "60"
59) "repl-backlog-size"
60) "1048576"
61) "repl-backlog-ttl"
62) "3600"
63) "maxclients"
64) "10000"
65) "watchdog-period"
66) "0"
67) "slave-priority"
68) "100"
69) "min-slaves-to-write"
70) "0"
71) "min-slaves-max-lag"
72) "10"
73) "hz"
74) "10"
75) "repl-diskless-sync-delay"
76) "5"
77) "no-appendfsync-on-rewrite"
78) "no"
79) "slave-serve-stale-data"
80) "yes"
81) "slave-read-only"
82) "yes"
83) "stop-writes-on-bgsave-error"
84) "yes"
85) "daemonize"
86) "yes"
87) "rdbcompression"
88) "yes"
89) "rdbchecksum"
90) "yes"
91) "activerehashing"
92) "yes"
93) "repl-disable-tcp-nodelay"
94) "no"
95) "repl-diskless-sync"
96) "no"
97) "aof-rewrite-incremental-fsync"
98) "yes"
99) "aof-load-truncated"
100) "yes"
101) "appendonly"
102) "no"
103) "dir"
104) "/data/redis"
105) "maxmemory-policy"
106) "volatile-lru"
107) "appendfsync"
108) "everysec"
109) "save"
110) "900 1 300 10 60 10000"
111) "loglevel"
112) "notice"
113) "client-output-buffer-limit"
114) "normal 0 0 0 slave 268435456 67108864 60 pubsub 33554432 8388608 60"
115) "unixsocketperm"
116) "0"
117) "slaveof"
118) ""
119) "notify-keyspace-events"
120) ""
121) "bind"
122) ""

run the command: CONFIG GET CONFIG_SETTING_NAME to get the specified item> CONFIG GET loglevel
1) "loglevel"
2) "notice"

Edit configuration item

You can modify the redis.conf file directly or use CONFIG set for configuration

commands Syntax format:


Following is example:> CONFIG SET loglevel "notice"

Reference sheet

The below items and General parameter sheet is maybe useful for you manage Redis

By running docker ps, you can view all Containers when Redis is running:

CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                           COMMAND                  CREATED          STATUS          PORTS                                       NAMES
4635ce332949 redislabs/redisinsight:latest "bash ./docker-entry…" 33 seconds ago Up 31 seconds>8001/tcp, :::8001->8001/tcp redis-gui
a232e91f522e redis:7.0 "redis-server /etc/r…" 33 seconds ago Up 31 seconds>6379/tcp, :::6379->6379/tcp redis


Redis installation directory: /data/apps/redis
Redis configuration file: /data/apps/redis/src/redis.conf
Redis data directory: /data/apps/redis/data/redis_data


| Port Number | Purpose | Necessity | | ------ | ------------------------------------------ --- | ------ | | 6379 | Redis | optional | | 8001 | HTTP access to RedisInsight | Required |


docker exec -it redis redis-server -v


sudo docker start | stop | restart | stats redis
sudo docker start | stop | restart | stats redis-gui


redis-cli is the Redis command line interface, a simple program that allows to send commands to Redis, and read the replies sent by the server, directly from the terminal.

Redis CLI supports two usage modes: interactive mode and standard command line:

# Interactive mode (no password verification), immediately entering the standby state of the CLI
$docker exec -it redis redis-cli>

# Interactive mode (password verification), immediately entering the standby state of the CLI
$docker exec -it redis redis-cli -h -p 6379 -a 123456>

# Standard command line mode, that is to run a command with a clear goal and exit automatically after execution
redis-cli help
redis-cli incr mycounter
redis-cli --stat
redis-cli --bigkeys

Command line usage

redis-benchmarkPerformance test
SAVEBackup Data
CONFIG GET dirRestore Data
INFOManage Redis services